Interview – Cam Webb
Cam Webb’s band Seaworthy make music that’s quintessentially Australian - like the Go Betweens’ Cattle & Cane, Ed Kuepper’s Electrical Storm or Warumpi Band’s My Island Home - and he's one of the country's science stars, studying mosquitoes, which puts him at the intersection of some of the biggest issues we face. He's someone I’ve always wanted to get to know better.
Interview – Kaylene Milner
Kaylene Milner was an eisteddfod kid who now plays drums in post punk band Loose Fit. She achieved the ultimate entree to Sydney’s fashion world, but now makes knitted band jumpers as Wah Wah. Straddling DIY culture and high end fashion, she’s a deep thinker on the business of creativity.
Interview – Lee Tran Lam
Lee Tran’s not just an excellent eating companion or even an oracle to the best places to eat (both true), in a real way she’s changed the culture around food in Sydney – she's almost certainly the only person I’ll ever meet who’s had a sandwich named after her.
Interview – Nik Robinson
Nik's won stacks of advertising awards, hosted a show on Triple M that was in the papers every week, he’s changed the sunglasses business and he’s teaching the next gen of designers at UTS. He's driven by purpose, skilled and deliberate about the work of storytelling. Plus he has a lot of nerve.